Verwendete Quellen

Seite Beschreibung Thema Link
9 Umwandeln von Binär- in Hexadezimalzahlen und umgekehrt Binärcode
10 Warhol and the Amiga Computer
10 Computer Commercial: 1984 Apple
10 “1984″ – The famous Super Bowl Spot Apple
18 Geschichte des Internets Internet
19 Codierungsformen von Unicode-Zeichen Unicode
21 Greenpeace #ClickClean ForFuture
34 Klimawandel bedroht Internet WAN
41 Facebook by the Numbers 60 Sekunden
41 YouTube - Every Second 60 Sekunden
41 Hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute 60 Sekunden
41 What Happens in a Single Minute on the Internet? 60 Sekunden
41 More Than 500 Hours Of Content 60 Sekunden
41 Top Websites Ranking Top100
41 Infographic: What Happens in an Internet Minute in 2019? 60 Sekunden
41 Instagram by the Numbers 60 Sekunden
41 YouTube by the Numbers 60 Sekunden
41 1 Second - Internet Live Stats 60 Sekunden
41 Infographic: Ranking the Top 100 Websites in the World Top100
59 Market share for mobile, browsers, operating systems and search engines Google
72 10 Irrtümer zum Einsatz digitaler Medien in der Schule Bildung
72 Jack Ma | Education is a big challenge now Bildung
72 Harald Lesch | Die Welt in 100 Jahren Bildung
78 Most popular social networks worldwide Social Media
78 Check a Twitter account and get a score based on how likely the account is to be a bot Bots
78 Special reports The state of digital in April 2019 Social Media
78 Social media bots are damaging our democracy Bots
86 Die großen Player der Online-Werbung Online Werbung
86 Globaler Ad Spend: Jeder vierte Dollar geht an Google und Facebook Online Werbung
99 Internet of Things Statistics 2020
99 How Many IoT Devices Are There?
99 State of the IoT 2018: Number of IoT devices now at 7B
129 Der TurtleCoder Programmieren
130 BSI für Bürger - Passwörter Sicherheit
130 Software Library: MS-DOS Games Spiele